Peek-A-Boo! Teni Turns 2: A Special Birthday Reflection

And just like that, I have a two year old💃🏽

My Teniola,
The daughter of my youth
The one that makes the world call me a mother
Your skin like pearl (inserts beyonce's #BrownSkinGirl line)
Your heart so pure
The one who calls me mummy more than 20 times in a day
Oh my sweet daughter

It feels surreal that you are two already, hmm how time flies
I remember the first day I held you in my hands
I remember how scared I was to hold a small baby like you
I remember how confused I was, as how to take care of you
I remember the tears I shed when the doctors told me you had stopped growing
I also remember how confused I was when they told me you will be brought out before your due date
But look at us today, we are two years stronger, bigger, wiser and better

I love you with my whole heart
I am so proud of how much you have grown this passing year
Thank you for the joy, peace and laughter you bring to me and your dad's heart
No matter how bad our day goes, your hugs & smiles just makes everything better
We will be right here behind you to show you the world
We will also be behind you to guide you as much as we can
While teaching you to show love to everyone as much as you can

Finally the twos are here and I am not ready
Not because I don't want you to grow
But it is just hard to believe that my tiny baby of yesterday has grown so fast
Oh my sweet daughter, I am so blessed and lucky to have you
I wish you all the best as you grow and go through life
I also wish you joy and happiness as you explore the world
Lastly, I pray that your hair keeps growing😜 (same as our last year's wish, hahhaha #IzzaJourney)

And yes, it truly takes a village
I am so thankful to all the village people (lollzz) that have supported our journey so far
Aunties, Uncles, Granparents, Teachers, Friends and a host of others
Cheers to an amazing year ahead my darling Tenten 🥂


Thank y'all for stopping by in my little corner today. Until next time...💋