5 Things I do Every Weekend

The weekend is upon us and i'm here for it. Today, I decided to share with y'all the top 5 things I do every weekend. Of course all weekends are not the same but for some reason, there are some things that have been prominent every weekend for me since the beginning of 2019. Let's dive right into it

1. Grocery Shopping - Every weekend, we always have one or two things to buy. Some weekends we do bulk shopping while some, we just do "top up". There are also some weekends that we don't buy anything for sure but those weekends are very rare.

Image from Pixabay

2. Laundry - This is always a big part of my weekend. I have to fold old laundry and prep the new ones. Since I became a mum, my laundry life went from 50-100. To be honest, I don't know how parents do it but it's unending. once I fold and clean up the oldies, the newbies will be smiling at me somewhere (lollzz). Right now, I am not so proud of the way I do my laundry but *shrugs*, it is what it is. What I actually want is "wash, dry, fold & arrange" but what I do now is "wash, dry, "come back a week later to fold and arrange"". Some weekends (very rare), I try to complete those 4 steps but trust me those weekends are very rare.

Hahahahha, this cracked me up😂 The struggle is damn real. Image from here

3. Cooking & Cleaning - This is also a big part of my weekend. As a working mum, I have to prep for the week. I figured out the best way not to be stressed out during the week is prepping ahead. What I do, is basically having a menu for the week in my head and just prep towards that. The most important thing for me is having stew ready. Sometimes I make "efo riro", "efo elegusi"(mixed assorted vegetables), okro and fried stew. I also make sure we have either meat, fish or beef ready in the fridge. Once all those are made, i'm good to go for the week. During the week,  all I do is make either spaghetti, rice, noodles, plantain or any meal that we need to match up with the ready made stew. However, every weekend is not the same, some weekends I just blank out and we freestyle. We also buy lunch once a week. My advice for any young mum/wife out there is "find an easy way to do things". I mean you don't want to be stressed or burnt out all in the name of trying to do it all. I can't stop thanking my husband for the support. The team work and how we juggle everything together just blesses my heart😍. We also hoover & clean the washrooms over the weekends. Our weekends are always busy y'all especially Sundays. But let me not forget to mention that, I deliberately take Saturdays off to rest. I literally just lazy around on Saturdays😜 before the Sunday war😂

Just a random lunch. Hubs loved it so much that he sent me a picture. This is a one pot plantain, veggies and chicken
4. Family time - This is the most important part of my weekend. Although it's winter now and our routine is pretty much "Netflix and Chill"  but we still try to go out sometimes. Definitely not as much as we did in Summer, which I already wrote about here. Summer's routine was more about going out with friends, grilling, stampeding, visiting places, taking Teni out to the park amongst others. Right now (winter), we mostly just drive around town and chill. However Christmas is around the corner  (whoop whoop) & our plan is to attend 1/2 events before the year runs out.

Check out this Mummy-Daughter bonding time😍
These two😍. Check out more summer pictures here & here
5. Reading & Blogging - Finally, this year has been all about taking one online course or the other. If i'm not reading then i'm blogging. This has been my routine through this year. I woke up 4am this morning to write this article. Most weekends, I wake up to do my reading first and then I move to blogging. Some weekends I do only blogging while some I just read, it all depends on my mood.

Yeah,  these are the top 5 things I do every weekend. Like I said before, all weekends are not the same but one way or the other, I still find myself doing almost everything on this list every weekend. Right now, i'm about to go fry some akara (peeled beans formed into a ball and then deep-fried in either vegetable or palm oil). After that we will be off to church. I hope you enjoyed reading this short piece from me today. Have a blessed and fantastic weekend. Until next time...💋

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