Year in Review: 2017 Highlights

2017 has been quite eventful, beautiful, very stressful and quite fast for me and my family. However, I won't be forgetting this year in a long time because some major milestones were reached by me and my family and we are totally grateful for a fulfilling year. I will be sharing my top 5 highlights of 2017👍 with you guyz in no particular order.

  • Welcoming our Princess👶: This of course was the biggest for us this year. We welcomed our adorable princess on the 25th of July. July just became one of my favourite months after December😜. Transitioning into Mummy mood was a big one for me and having to accept so many things like body changes, wardrobe malfunction on several occasions, breast milk leakage, baby pukes on my clothes and lots more but the question is will I trade this for any other thing in the world? NO!!! Teniola has and will continue to be a blessing. No matter the sleepless nights, crankiness or discomfort, she actually made and completed my 2017 and we absolutely love her.

  • Reuniting with my Sister👭: In relation to Teniola being a blessing, I was able to reunite with my eldest sister after 4 years and also met my twin niece and nephew for the first time😍. Teniola made this possible. Even though we both live in Europe and it might sound like she lives next door to me😣 but hell no, she doesn't even live close by. The closest we have been is on Skype and Whatsapp video call but my sister with the biggest heart in the family willingly travelled down to welcome her niece and spend some time with my family. Even though Teniola was so little and she could barely remember or know she met her cousins in the first month of her life on earth but I am still grateful that Teniola created that avenue that made us reunite again and of course meeting her cuties.

Siblings Love😍

  • Hubby finishing his Phd🎓: This is another big one for me. I don't even know how to express my feelings about this success but it really felt like it was my achievement. You know how people tell you that when you marry, you two have become one😃that was the way I felt when my husband did his final Phd defence. I felt like it was also my success. I know what we went through to get to where we are today. It was TOUGH, yes I had to capitalize it. But he made it or let me just say "we made it". I wrote a joke on my Instagram page that "Call me Dr (Mrs) Ibidun😋".Yes I got that title by marriage😆. I feel like Phd wives should be given a title afterall, we were involved indirectly in the whole process. But anyways, this was one big achievement for our family in 2017 and the best part of it is that the event was the same day as my birthday (14th of December). So that day was literally one of the happiest days of my life and we sure had a good time with few friends later in the day.

Issa Birthday Girl 😍

  • Wrapping up my Masters: Hmm, this one was both challenging and fulfilling for me at the same time. I am still going to write a full post about my experience. However, I would say studying for a masters while pregnant was TOUGH. Yes I had to capitalize this again because I almost gave up along the line but thanks to husbae😍. That one man that God has blessed me with. Even though I had few setbacks and didn't conclude my thesis until after my baby arrived. But the highlight of the whole process for me was that, I set the goal of having a masters before I clock 30 years old and I made it happen 💪
Random Picture of me heading to School😪
  • Reuniting with our family friends in Southern Sweden: Finally, we wrapped up the year by reuniting with our Zambian family friends in Orebro, Sweden. I once talked about the family here. This family hold a special place in our heart. They are welcoming, friendly, beautiful in and out and of course we "clicked" since the first day we met. We were living together in the Northern part of Sweden but they had to move to the South. We missed them a lot and we felt that after the stress of the year we just needed to cool off and spend some quality time with them. It was a memorable experience for us and especially for Teni because she was spoilt with lots of gifts and even though she is still a little bit little to express her appreciation. She constantly smiled  through our stay there to express her gratitude.

Teni's Gratitude Face😍

These are my top 5 highlights of 2017. There were other memorable things that happened in the year and some challenges we had to deal with but all in all, I would say it wasn't a bad year after all for me. I am definitely loooking forward to 2018 and what it has in store for me, my family and my friends but before then, thank you 2017😘 and cheers to an awesome and better 2018🥂

Until next time...💋

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